Friday, October 8, 2010

Currently I am working on Safe Treat flyers, ads, and posters. I really enjoy it because Halloween is great and I get to make it my own. I have illustrated a lot of it making it not too scary and fun for kids.

Union School Hours

I took the same ad for union summer hours and did regular school hours for the union keeping the same picture and logo. I used the same typeface as the logo for consistency.

The Gardens Ad

I used the logo for The Gardens and graphics in the corner and used the same typeface to show breakfast and lunch items, coffee, beer on tap, and location and hours. The background was more green but after talking to Ben he suggested to lighten it but still keep the texture. So i just lowered the opacity which help make it not so green and in your face but still interesting enough to look at.

SAC Events Ad

Another ad for SAC events

Student Activities Council Events

The posters that are designed for SAC I put on this ad in order for people to see that it's SAC that is putting on the event. The posters pop against it in order to grab attention and interest.

National Day of Service Ad

SLCE was having a national day of service that had a skinner and small ad on the tables. I went off of the ad but had to make changes in order for people to read it fast and be interested. The bright blue and white pops against the black background grabbing attention.

MSLI Kick-Off

MSLI had a start off party so I used the same colors as the logo and the same background for their regular ad. The lines of color in the back add more excitement for a "kick-off" party. The date and time are bold and big for people to see if they are walking by fast and in a hurry.

Mountain West Student Leadership Conference

I went of the logo for the Mountain West Student Leadership Conference welcoming students from neighboring colleges with the same colors, typeface, and arch.

Wyoming Leadership Retreat

I had to design an ad welcoming the leadership conference fast because it was late notice so I had a picture of the mountains and the Wyoming Flag. Then used the same colors for the type. It's kind of cheesy but I had to do it fast. If I had more time it would have been better.

Gallery 234 Ad

For Gallery 234 I wanted to bring in some famous artwork so I did a clipping mask for the number 234 with three different and famous works of art. At first the smaller type was bigger and the time and place was smaller. After taking to Ben Tonak he suggested that the description should be small and the time and place should be big in order for people to know when to go.

FNF Movies

Another ad for FNF movies. The poster are from the internet so they are kind of fuzzy and pixelated but that is the only way to get the posters because FNF does not have files of the posters that are not from the internet. Not my ideal way of making an ad but I have to work with what I got and the time constraints.

Friday Night Fever Movies

I have been working on the signs in order to show the movie trailers for FNF but we only got it work once then it would not work again. So until we figure out how to make it work more that once for the time being I put the movie poster up on this ad with time and date of the movie and the FNF logo to let them know FNF is the one putting on the movie.

FNF Casino Night

There was not a poster for Casino Night since it was the first week of school so I designed one. I illustrated the chips and dice and put bold type for the date and time.

FNF Events

Another FNF events ad using the poster designed.

Friday Night Fever Events Ads

For the FNF events I use the poster that is designed for the event and put it on this background with al the info and the FNF logo. This way people know it is FNF that is putting on the event.

First Interstate Bank Ad

The first interstate bank needed an ad so I met with Dan to see what he wanted. I took a picture of the staff when they were in their Wyoming apparel the first week of school. I got the logo from Dan and then put what they offer and their hours. I used a gray texted background for more interest and it makes the logo stand out.

Fight Flu with Clean Hands

Little cards were needed above the hand sanitizers so I illustrated the hands and water. The type is bold to grab attention and black to stand out.

Family Weekend Ad

An ad welcoming family and friends for family weekend. I used a background of a football game at UW and bold text in gold and brown.

Copy Center Ad

I met with the manager of the copy center to okay an ad and what was wanted on the ad. It was difficult at first because there is a lot of info. I had to move things around a lot to finally get an ad and layout that was clean and easy enough to read.

Custodian Poster

The union custodians needed a poster for all the cleaning closets. I illustrated the hands and bottles. and used bold type so it was noticeable and readable. And of course yellow because that what color is associated with caution signs.

Billiard Logo

Bigger version of the billiard logo.
Along with the logo, I was asked to design the punch card for the billiard hall. This page is the logo and punch cards narrowed down. The punch card on the bottom right hand side and the logo on the bottom left hand side were the ones chosen.

Logos for the Billiard Hall

Here is the first page of logos I designed for the Billiard Hall. Some are simple but some are complex.

Wyoming Union Billiard Hall Ad

The ad for the Billiard Hall took a while because I illustrated the balls and the sticks. I used a green background to match the color of a pool table and to make the balls stand out. The type is bold to stand out. The log0 for the Billiard Hall is also placed in the lower left hand corner which I designed.

Regular School Hours for the Bookstore Ad

I also designed a regular ad for the hours of the bookstore using the same kind of layout.

Bookstore Back to School Ad

I designed a back to school ad for the bookstore with their back to school hours. I met with the manager of the store to okay it and get the info he wanted it to say. I went to the bookstore and took pictures of merchandise to use on it in order to show some of the stuff that is available there to entice people to go.

New Template for Food Court

This is the new template for the Food Court. It includes the current weather with a 4 day forecast, scroll text with the latest news, campus announcements, small ads about the food court, large ads about the different organizations and events in the union and the date and time.
This is the new template for the Events Office. It includes the events going on for the day in the Union, including the time, title, and room number, the current weather with a three day forecast, scroll text with the latest news, campus announcements, a slideshow with many different ads, and the date and time.

New Template for Info Desk

This is the new template for the Information Desk. It includes the current weather, and a 3 day forecast, The events going on in the Union for the day including the title, time, and room number, The ticket sales for sports, ticket sales for other programs, shows, and events, and a slideshow with many different ads, and the date and time.

New Template for the SLCE and CAC Sign

This is the new template for the SLCE and CAC Sign. I was able to create my own layout in order for there to be more information on the sign. It's laid out in a way that is easy to follow and is not overwhelming. There is the current weather along with a 3 day forcast, scroll text with the lastest news, campus accouncements, a slideshow of littler ads and and bigger ads for what is happening from the SCLE and CAC offices, and of course the date and time in the upper right hand corner.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wyoming Union Internship

My internship for the fall semester is with the Wyoming Union at the University of Wyoming. I work on the new digital signs designing templates and ads for the different organizations and events in the union. I had this same internship this past summer and have learned a lot about the Content Manager System for the signs. I have also started working on moving the Union website over to the new templates for the new website. Here are some ads and other things I designed for the signs but first the new templates I laid out after a new design was made by the marketing team for UW. They are a big improvement from the first template designs we had for the signs.