Friday, December 3, 2010

I really enjoyed this semester interning for the Union. I gained more experience working with different people and creating ads that would work for what they wanted. I have meet a lot of new people and made new friends in the process. I feel I was able to grow in my design work to more refined design rather than sloppy slapped together design. I really think about what I am designing and wonder if it will be appealing to people and grab their attention. I ahve got a lot of compliments on the things I design which is really encouraging to me and makes want to do even better. I really enjoyed making things for the two holidays. I was able to let my imagination really go and had fun in the process of making everything. I loved coming to work because I enjoyed it so much. It was a grea time to escape from all the other craziness in life with school. I could come in and have fun designing. It was really relaxing to me. I am really glad I have another semester to intern at the Union. I am learning a lot and having a ton of fun!

The last thing for the Holiday Market was a big sign saying where all the different vendors were at. I traced an old layout of where tables were stationed with the numbers of each table. I then had the list of the vendors in different catagories and what table they were at so people could easily find it. I used to graphics again to ad some fun and interest.

I also created an ad for the digital signs with the same info and graphics but now in color which adds so much more interest and fun to the ad. It is short and easy to read since it was only shown for 15 seconds. It helped to get many people at the market. I went and looked around and there were a lot of people shopping for their holiday gifts.

I did the same layout for the Branding Iron Newspaper. Their demensions were different from the Boomerang but I was still able to get everything in.

The annual holiday market is in the Union put on by the Events Office so they had me design some things for that event too. The graphics were already supplied to me from the years before. They had bought these graphics because they matched a theme of "Holiday Market" and not so much Christmas. They had to market it as a holiday market to be p.c. I used the graphics to make borders and other designs for a newspaper ad for the Laramie Boomerang. It was interesting working with them and trying to ge the size of the ad right becasue they go by column size and not inches. So I gained some experience working with a newspaper business.

The SLCE office combined with the Center for Volunteer Office so they changed the name from Service, Leadership and Civic Engagement to Service Leadership and Community Engagement (SLCE). I had to design a new ad for the digital signs for the new SLCE. I recieved the new logo so I used the colors from the logo for the colors of SLCE rather than just black type. I used the same pictures from the old SLCE ad because they are still doing those same activities as in the pictures. I used a brick wall background for more texture and interest. I added colored outlines of the pictures using the same colors from the logo. I then used the logo to state where the office was located in the Union.
With my internship was able to go the the Associated College Unions International(ACUI) conference in Forts Collins at the CSU campus. All the college unions from out Mountain West Conference meet and had informational talks on various activities and events they do in their union. Our union had the people from the Campus Activities Center present on some things like Friday Night Fever, Advertising and Marketing, Concerts and Convocations, etc. It was fun to meet people from other schools and see how they were doing things at their union. We got some good ideas from other schools such as having one union facebook page instead of having a page for each committee. It was also fun hanging out with all the other student interns and my boss Kim and other staff members from the union. It was a great experience and I was really glad Kim asked me to go.

The last sign is a cute little vampire in his basement with cute little spiders. I really enjoyed making all the things for Safe Treat. I am really proud of my illustrations because I spent a long time on each one. I had to make sure it was fun and relistic to the eye and I feel for the most part I accomplished that. I feel that added to the enviroment of Safe Treat to make it more fun. All the Events Office staff was really impressed and apperciated all the work I did which is great and very encouraging to me. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays so I was really excited to create things for it. I was able to be very free in my designs for everything which was really fun for me.

This sign was fun becasue I put Fly This Way witht he flying witch and bats in the night sky with the big moon. I made the witch green but with a face that was not scary or ugly for the younger kids that would see them.
Another directional sign for more Safe Treat. I used the illustrated kids and the haunted house from the ads from the digital signs. I put Wyoming Union Safe Treat in the bottom corner so they were able to use it year after year instead of putting 2010.

Directional signs were also needed so I illustated four posters to show people were to go for more Safe Treat. This one has a friendly Frankenstien with a ghost, pumpkins, and a black cat which are all common characters at Halloween.

The way Safe Treat works is people, mostly recognized student organizations (RSOs) sign up for a table in the Union and a fun activity and candy they had out to all the children. I made this sign for the digital signs to get RSOs to sign up for a table to help make safe treat fun. It worked well because this year they had the most tables they have ever had for Safe Treat. I think the illustrations of the kids help to get people to want to sign up for a table.

I made an ad for the digital signs for people to see accouncing Safe Treat when and where it was not only in the Union but the dorms and the greek houses. Parents that attend classes here at UW would then see it and know they could bring their kids here for fun, safe trick-or-treating. My illustrations are a bit scary but fun at the same time. This helps people to know its kid friendly and nothing too scary will be there.

This is the lower level of the Union map for Safe Treat. I traced the layout from and old map creating a path where people should go for the activities and candy. I used the same illustrations again to match the other map.

Maps were needed to show people where all the events and candy was so I traced an old map and made a path they could follow to all the important places. I used the same illustrations again so people knew it was the event they saw in the paper or from the school flyers. This is the first level of the Union.

I made an ad for the newspaper that was in black and white with all the info of what would be happening that night not only at the Union but at the dorms and the greek houses. I used the same illustrations as the flyers to be constitent and to help it stand out in the newspaper.

The Events Office has their annual Safe Treat for all the younger kids and they had me design a bunch of stuff for the event. This was the flyers I designed for the students at the University lab school to take home to their parents to let them know about the event. I made illustrations that were fun and not too scary since there would be all ages of children getting the flyers.

The SLCE Office asked me to design an ad for their spooky sprint. I used black, orange, and white to go along with Halloween and the theme of the event. The type for the event and the prizes I distorted a bit to make it more scary and fun. Then I had all the infomation in white stand out against the dark background with the pumpkins. They liked it and really appreciated it.

Brandon Kosine that works in the office right behind me, asked me if I would make him a sign that said Meeting in Progress and to come back later because he was going to be on conference calls all week. I made it yellow becasue it stands out amoung all the posters on his door with black, bold type to grab attention. Then I put a little graphic of people in a meeting.

I still put up the movies that are playing for Friday Night Fever on a background I designed. This week they had 3 movies so I had to move things around to fit all the movies but it all worked so I was able to list the names of the movies along with the time and date.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is the inside of Fernado's card that fold in the middle. I did the layering of the flags again and used Nueva Std to put We Are So Happy For You! After I printed the card I went around and had everyone sign it.

A fun thing that happen was one of the custodians at the Union Fernado, received his citizenship in the United States so Kim asked me to make a card for him for all the staff to sign. I figured I could go a little crazy with the red, white, and blue theme since it's America. I drew a waving flag then took done the opacity and did some layering which gave some nice texture. I also drew balloons and confetti adding another layer to the card. I used my favorite typeface Nueva Std to say Congratulations Fernado! This is the outside of the card so it folds in the middle for the front and back.
The last thing John needed was an ad in the Branding Iron for the tournament. I had to do some changing around in order to get all the info in the demension for the ad and changed it to black and white. I meet with the Coordinator Sales Lady Barbara for the BI and she was very helpful in getting the ad in the newspaper. Since it would be smaller than the posters I didn't have the pool balls peeking out from the letters. I made the logo bigger in order to draw attention since I did not have the pool balls peeking out and the pool sticks like on the other posters. All the same info had to be on it so I had to make the type small enough to fit the demension of the ad but also been readable.

Another thing John needed for the tournament was table top insert that are on the tables at the Union. Again, the same info had to be on the table top inserts so I stuck to the same layout and color scheme.

John also needed an 11x17 poster to put in the billiard hall so I stuck to the same layout as the small posters in black and white because all the same info had to be on the bigger poster. I was able to do this poster in color which makes it more interesting and fun to look at.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

John needed an 8.5x11 poster to put up around campus and it had to be black and white so I took all the info and fit it into that demesion. The colored parts came out in grays which was great becasue you could still see the detail I put into the illustrations.

John Jenkins that works at the Infomation Desk in the Union who is also in charge of the Billiard Hall asked me to create ads and posters for the billiard hall tournament. I used the elements from the ad for the digital signs and created a ad about the tournament from the info John gave me to put on the digital signs. I made the text short and to the point so people could read it as they walked by. My favorite part is the pool balls peeking out from the type. It adds character to the ad and makes it more fun and interesting. I included the logo I made for the billiard hall also. I used green as the background color to make it feel like a pool table and white type because it stood out better than black type.

I was asked by ASUW to create an ad for their pig roast during homecoming. It was short notice but I was able to find a picture of Prexy's Pasture to use for the background since that is where is was held. I used big, bolg type to grab people's attention so they would know about the event since it was such short notice. I used brown and gold since it was a homecoming event and added the steamboats. I was then asked to put veggie options available so I put that under the time and date of the event and had the homecoming theme also.
The SCLE Office ask me to create an ad for their alternative break trips they were offering. I recieved all the information and asked for some picutes because I think pictures help to get people's attention. I used an easy to read typeface that is black to stand out against the colorful background. I received the new SLCE logo so I included that because that is who provide the alternative break trips. I framed the pictures in black to make them stand out and also match the rest of the ad with the black typeface. I showed the people in the SLCE Office and they really liked it.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Currently I am working on Safe Treat flyers, ads, and posters. I really enjoy it because Halloween is great and I get to make it my own. I have illustrated a lot of it making it not too scary and fun for kids.

Union School Hours

I took the same ad for union summer hours and did regular school hours for the union keeping the same picture and logo. I used the same typeface as the logo for consistency.

The Gardens Ad

I used the logo for The Gardens and graphics in the corner and used the same typeface to show breakfast and lunch items, coffee, beer on tap, and location and hours. The background was more green but after talking to Ben he suggested to lighten it but still keep the texture. So i just lowered the opacity which help make it not so green and in your face but still interesting enough to look at.

SAC Events Ad

Another ad for SAC events

Student Activities Council Events

The posters that are designed for SAC I put on this ad in order for people to see that it's SAC that is putting on the event. The posters pop against it in order to grab attention and interest.

National Day of Service Ad

SLCE was having a national day of service that had a skinner and small ad on the tables. I went off of the ad but had to make changes in order for people to read it fast and be interested. The bright blue and white pops against the black background grabbing attention.

MSLI Kick-Off

MSLI had a start off party so I used the same colors as the logo and the same background for their regular ad. The lines of color in the back add more excitement for a "kick-off" party. The date and time are bold and big for people to see if they are walking by fast and in a hurry.

Mountain West Student Leadership Conference

I went of the logo for the Mountain West Student Leadership Conference welcoming students from neighboring colleges with the same colors, typeface, and arch.

Wyoming Leadership Retreat

I had to design an ad welcoming the leadership conference fast because it was late notice so I had a picture of the mountains and the Wyoming Flag. Then used the same colors for the type. It's kind of cheesy but I had to do it fast. If I had more time it would have been better.

Gallery 234 Ad

For Gallery 234 I wanted to bring in some famous artwork so I did a clipping mask for the number 234 with three different and famous works of art. At first the smaller type was bigger and the time and place was smaller. After taking to Ben Tonak he suggested that the description should be small and the time and place should be big in order for people to know when to go.

FNF Movies

Another ad for FNF movies. The poster are from the internet so they are kind of fuzzy and pixelated but that is the only way to get the posters because FNF does not have files of the posters that are not from the internet. Not my ideal way of making an ad but I have to work with what I got and the time constraints.

Friday Night Fever Movies

I have been working on the signs in order to show the movie trailers for FNF but we only got it work once then it would not work again. So until we figure out how to make it work more that once for the time being I put the movie poster up on this ad with time and date of the movie and the FNF logo to let them know FNF is the one putting on the movie.

FNF Casino Night

There was not a poster for Casino Night since it was the first week of school so I designed one. I illustrated the chips and dice and put bold type for the date and time.

FNF Events

Another FNF events ad using the poster designed.

Friday Night Fever Events Ads

For the FNF events I use the poster that is designed for the event and put it on this background with al the info and the FNF logo. This way people know it is FNF that is putting on the event.

First Interstate Bank Ad

The first interstate bank needed an ad so I met with Dan to see what he wanted. I took a picture of the staff when they were in their Wyoming apparel the first week of school. I got the logo from Dan and then put what they offer and their hours. I used a gray texted background for more interest and it makes the logo stand out.

Fight Flu with Clean Hands

Little cards were needed above the hand sanitizers so I illustrated the hands and water. The type is bold to grab attention and black to stand out.

Family Weekend Ad

An ad welcoming family and friends for family weekend. I used a background of a football game at UW and bold text in gold and brown.

Copy Center Ad

I met with the manager of the copy center to okay an ad and what was wanted on the ad. It was difficult at first because there is a lot of info. I had to move things around a lot to finally get an ad and layout that was clean and easy enough to read.

Custodian Poster

The union custodians needed a poster for all the cleaning closets. I illustrated the hands and bottles. and used bold type so it was noticeable and readable. And of course yellow because that what color is associated with caution signs.

Billiard Logo

Bigger version of the billiard logo.
Along with the logo, I was asked to design the punch card for the billiard hall. This page is the logo and punch cards narrowed down. The punch card on the bottom right hand side and the logo on the bottom left hand side were the ones chosen.

Logos for the Billiard Hall

Here is the first page of logos I designed for the Billiard Hall. Some are simple but some are complex.

Wyoming Union Billiard Hall Ad

The ad for the Billiard Hall took a while because I illustrated the balls and the sticks. I used a green background to match the color of a pool table and to make the balls stand out. The type is bold to stand out. The log0 for the Billiard Hall is also placed in the lower left hand corner which I designed.