Friday, December 3, 2010

I really enjoyed this semester interning for the Union. I gained more experience working with different people and creating ads that would work for what they wanted. I have meet a lot of new people and made new friends in the process. I feel I was able to grow in my design work to more refined design rather than sloppy slapped together design. I really think about what I am designing and wonder if it will be appealing to people and grab their attention. I ahve got a lot of compliments on the things I design which is really encouraging to me and makes want to do even better. I really enjoyed making things for the two holidays. I was able to let my imagination really go and had fun in the process of making everything. I loved coming to work because I enjoyed it so much. It was a grea time to escape from all the other craziness in life with school. I could come in and have fun designing. It was really relaxing to me. I am really glad I have another semester to intern at the Union. I am learning a lot and having a ton of fun!

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