Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This semester for my internship at the Wyoming Union, I have taken on more responsibilities than just managing the digital signs and the Union website. There was always a Union Facebook page but there was no one to manage it so my boss put me in charge of it. I meet with programing people so they could post their events and activities on the Facebook page. I made people admins on the page so they could post their events and activities. They have also made great suggestions and have ideas on how to make the page better and more fun. At first, there was not even 100 people that liked the Union Facebook page but now after word of mouth and some advertising on Facebook, there are over 500 people that like the page! That was a big goal of outs, to get many people to like the page. Everyone has been a big help to make it a great page. Each group posts their events and activities informing people that like the page and getting them to come to the event or activity. I have also been going to the events and activities to take pictures and then post them in photo albums on the Facebook page. This helps people see all the different events rather than just hearing about them. Check out the Union Facebook page at .

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