Wednesday, March 2, 2011

With the Facebook page, we came up with some rules for posting so it's kept under control. I had a lot of help from my friend Jeff that works Friday Night Fever and Student Activities Council. These are the rules we came up with:

Wyoming Union Facebook Posting Rules:

1. Limit status posts to no more than two per day. Please allow at least 2 hours between
posts so the status can be seen.
2. Status posting preference goes to the groups with events that day.
3. All post should be no longer than text message length (160 characters).
4. Keep posts appropriate (no swear words, sexual comments, derogatory comments towards
anything or anybody, etc.)
5. Events should be added at least one week prior to event date.
6. Post pictures to appropriate photo albums.
7. People that have liked the Union Facebook page will be able to post photos so if you see
anything inappropriate posted PLEASE delete it immediately.
8. Inappropriate posting, over posting or general disregard of rules will result in revocation of
administrator privileges.
9. Please leave all the information and profile picture on the page. If you want to change
something of that nature please contact Kim or Courtney.
10. If you have any questions please contact Kim or Courtney.

Everyone has done a great job of posting and keeping it short and to the point and we have not had any problems so far. It's been really great!

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