Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I just about done with my internship for the semester and I will be graduating! I have had such a great experience working for the Union at my internship. I have taken on a lot of projects and responsibilities that will definitely help me in the future with jobs. I have been able to work with many different people and have learned a lot about digital signs, Facebook, and website designing. I have had a lot of fun with the people I work with and the projects I have done. I am really going to miss all the people I work with! It has given me valuable skills and knowledge for the future that I will use. It may sound cheesy but I loved my internship and will really miss it! It was a blast!
I made an Easter slide for the signs informing people the hours of the Union for Easter break. It's kind of cheesy with the flowers and eggs hidden but I figured it is getting close to finals and everyone is stressed so maybe they would like to see something bright and colorful. Hopefully it bought some good feeling to someone! Haha!
More stickers! They were really fun to make!
More stickers!
Another Earth Week project I had was to make stickers for the Campus Sustainability Committee to give out at the events during the week. Different committees were picking a topic to concentrate on, and the CSC choose water waste. So I made a bunch of different stickers that had saying about saving water or just Earth day in general. All the stickers were printed except the SAVE WATER, DRINK BEER sticker which I understand of coarse. :) It was so much fun to be really creative with the stickers and have fun with the sayings and illustrations! My boss Kim, told me everyone really enjoyed the stickers which was great to hear!
For Earth Week I posted all the events that were happening on a slide for the digital signs informing people of the free stuff and events that were provided. Of course I used green to match the green of the Earth. The background is just a picture of a beautiful landscape with the opacity down so the type was readable.
At the start of the semester in my Graphic Design III class we worked on a project to promote the Campus Sustainability Committee. As a class we came up with a brand for them to use so when students saw the ads and posters they would know it was the Campus Sustainability Committee. These colors were chosen as the brand colors for the committee. We presented our ideas and the brand to the committee which they later decided to use. One idea was to have people waste less coffee cups by bringing their own mug. That is BYO (coffee mug) came from. A week before Earth Day, I was asked to make stickers with the BYO (coffee mug) that looked like the ideas we had presented. So i used the same colors and design of BYO (coffee mug). People would get these stickers if they brought their coffee mug to Rolling Mill Cafe or The Gardens in the Union. It was pretty cool to see people with the stickers on their mug or water bottle!
Along with the poster, I made table tents for the tables in the Union. I used the same photos, but just moved them to create an interesting composition in the background.
The poster for the Pete Simpson talk on the mural in the Union is pictures I took of the actual mural. It was hard to get a good picture because there was glare from the windows and sun. I had to take the picture into photoshop and cover up the glares very carefully. It was not easy but I think it came out all right considering the situation. I also cut out the bucking horse from another photo of the mural that I added in the bottom left hand corner.
My boss Kim had me make announcements for the MSLI Graduation. I used circles and the same colors from the logo and drew graduation caps to resemble the logo and used the same colors for some accents in the corners. The black background helps the colors to pop.
I have kept up with the Recyclemania competition by updated the graph that goes on the digital signs and the graph that hangs in the Union Skylight Lounge. I think students seeing the results helped UW in the end to really boost the number of stuff people recycled.

Along with the Facebook page, the digital signs have been keeping me busy with creating new ads and posting ads for other organizations. I still put up what movies FNF are playing each week with the background I created. This way if someone is just passing by the digital signs they are informed about what FNF is showing. I also get posters from FNF and SAC advertising their events so I put them on the signs. I think it really helps to have their posters on the signs and it increases the number of people that attend the events.
The rest of the semester at my internship has been really good. I am still managing the digital signs, the Union Facebook page, and do a little work on the Union website. The Facebook page has really been taking off. We now have over 700 people that like the page! Our initial goal was only 400! It is really exciting! I have been taking pictures and videos of Friday Night Fever events, SAC events, and other events going on in the Union. I then post them to the Union Facebook page so all our fans can see them. I have also had help from volunteers of the programs. I would give them the camera sometimes when I could not be there so they could take pictures. Everyone has been really great at keeping the fans informed of all the events going on in the Union. They have helped make the page a success! The link to the Union Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/WyomingUnion