Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The rest of the semester at my internship has been really good. I am still managing the digital signs, the Union Facebook page, and do a little work on the Union website. The Facebook page has really been taking off. We now have over 700 people that like the page! Our initial goal was only 400! It is really exciting! I have been taking pictures and videos of Friday Night Fever events, SAC events, and other events going on in the Union. I then post them to the Union Facebook page so all our fans can see them. I have also had help from volunteers of the programs. I would give them the camera sometimes when I could not be there so they could take pictures. Everyone has been really great at keeping the fans informed of all the events going on in the Union. They have helped make the page a success! The link to the Union Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/WyomingUnion

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