Tuesday, April 26, 2011

At the start of the semester in my Graphic Design III class we worked on a project to promote the Campus Sustainability Committee. As a class we came up with a brand for them to use so when students saw the ads and posters they would know it was the Campus Sustainability Committee. These colors were chosen as the brand colors for the committee. We presented our ideas and the brand to the committee which they later decided to use. One idea was to have people waste less coffee cups by bringing their own mug. That is BYO (coffee mug) came from. A week before Earth Day, I was asked to make stickers with the BYO (coffee mug) that looked like the ideas we had presented. So i used the same colors and design of BYO (coffee mug). People would get these stickers if they brought their coffee mug to Rolling Mill Cafe or The Gardens in the Union. It was pretty cool to see people with the stickers on their mug or water bottle!

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