Thursday, March 3, 2011

So far this semester I have really enjoyed my internship. I have taken on new responsibilities and feel I have managed everything pretty well. I cannot take all the credit though because I have had a lot of help from my boss Kim, and many people in the Campus Activities Center. They have all helped to make the Facebook page a success with over 500 people that like it. I like working at my internship more than going to my none-major classes like geography and finance, ha ha!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Each week the results are posted in the recyclemania website of how much each school has been recycling. I created a graph for the digital signs to show who is in the lead. I update it every time there are new results. There is also a huge graph in the food court that looks just like this one that I update the results on with tape.

It's recyclemania at UW so I created tabletop signs informing students, faculty, and staff how to help UW win the competition against CSU and BYU. I made illustrations of plastic bottles, cans, paper, cardboard boxes, and newspaper to get the point across to recycle these items. I include the website for more information and both the logos from the recyclemania website.

For the Wyoming Union Hours ad I changed the picture from just the Union to people at the Union. I switched the picture and the info so they were on different sides to make people look twice.
For the Union Events Office redesign I wanted it to be like desk so I created custom stationary looking paper. I also have a sticky note, a pen, and paper clips all illustrated with a wood desk top background. It's more interesting since it actually looks like a desk top.

For Spokes Pizza I still have all the elements I did before but I just placed them in different places for a different look.

For SNC, each month I do a different saying. For January it was, "Celebrate the New Year with Ice Cream!" For February it said, "Share the Love with Ice Cream!" For March, "Spring Ahead with Ice Cream!" I changed the type to purple with pops better against the teal background. I also added the chocolate chips for more fun and interest.
I really struggled with redesigning the ad for RSOs. I really hated the one before and didn't want the new ad to look like the old ad. I decided to use a clipping mask for each picture to create a circle like the CAC logo. I framed the pictures in the colors of the RSO logo also to make them pop against the white and blue background. The typeface I used grabs attention and keeps the ad fun.
I redesigned the room directions because the more I looked at the old one, the more I hated it and thought it was ugly. I used the same typeface as the Union logo which is Copperplate Bold. I kept the ad simple so people could get where they are going fast.

Pita Pit ad is not too much different but I added another pita and a salad because many people I have talked to did not even know they did salads. I also had the pita character telling fast food to watch its back which keeps him playful.

For MSLI I used the photos that are on the brochure for MSLI. I kept the black background because the logo pops out against it. I used a different typeface for the body text to help separate the logo from the information. The SLCE logo is in the right bottom corner to show people MSLI is a part of SCLE (Student Leadership and Community Engagement).

For Gallery 234 I kept the same design but put different artwork in the 234 to have a new look. I used artwork that is well know so people are interested instead of ignoring it because they do not know what the artwork is.

For the FNF redesign, I took photos from events I attended to show all the different and fun activities FNF puts on. I used the green and blue to frame the pictures adding color and interest to the ad. The slanted type helps to keep it fun and interesting.

I made an ad for the Union Facebook page which helped get our fan number up. I made some elements from the Facebook page like the logo, the Like button, and the top bar. I used the same blue colors as the Facebook page to make it feel like its from the page. I made it fun with the slanted type and pictures from events.

The discounted movie ad took time to create because I drew everything to create a movie theatre setting. Complete with red curtains, seats, and show lights, it's fun and magical like the movies. The big type is the Broadway typeface that looks like it's from the era of old time Hollywood movie premiers.

For Concerts and Convocations I used the same heading I created but instead of one big picture I used three smaller pictures I recieved from my friend Julianne. The dark wood background helps the type and pictures to pop out without being too much to look at. I kept the neon feel of the logo with a border around the pictures.

For the redesign of the Campus Activities Center I placed the CAC logo in the middle with all the other logos circling around the CAC logo to show all these groups are centered around the CAC. The colorful background shows people the CAC is a fun place to be and they should get involved there. The black type pops against the colorful background grabbing attention.

The redesign for the Bookstore took a while because I created my own type with the pen tool. My computer did not have the college typeface so I drew it myself. I took pictures of merchandise and cut them out to place over the background picture of the store.

I have been redesigning ads for the digital signs to keep people interested in the signs. I just about have all of them redesigned.

This is the Union Billiard Hall ad I redesigned. It still has all the same information but the created a background like you are really playing pool. The black was chosen in order for the type to pop out.
With the Facebook page, we came up with some rules for posting so it's kept under control. I had a lot of help from my friend Jeff that works Friday Night Fever and Student Activities Council. These are the rules we came up with:

Wyoming Union Facebook Posting Rules:

1. Limit status posts to no more than two per day. Please allow at least 2 hours between
posts so the status can be seen.
2. Status posting preference goes to the groups with events that day.
3. All post should be no longer than text message length (160 characters).
4. Keep posts appropriate (no swear words, sexual comments, derogatory comments towards
anything or anybody, etc.)
5. Events should be added at least one week prior to event date.
6. Post pictures to appropriate photo albums.
7. People that have liked the Union Facebook page will be able to post photos so if you see
anything inappropriate posted PLEASE delete it immediately.
8. Inappropriate posting, over posting or general disregard of rules will result in revocation of
administrator privileges.
9. Please leave all the information and profile picture on the page. If you want to change
something of that nature please contact Kim or Courtney.
10. If you have any questions please contact Kim or Courtney.

Everyone has done a great job of posting and keeping it short and to the point and we have not had any problems so far. It's been really great!
This semester for my internship at the Wyoming Union, I have taken on more responsibilities than just managing the digital signs and the Union website. There was always a Union Facebook page but there was no one to manage it so my boss put me in charge of it. I meet with programing people so they could post their events and activities on the Facebook page. I made people admins on the page so they could post their events and activities. They have also made great suggestions and have ideas on how to make the page better and more fun. At first, there was not even 100 people that liked the Union Facebook page but now after word of mouth and some advertising on Facebook, there are over 500 people that like the page! That was a big goal of outs, to get many people to like the page. Everyone has been a big help to make it a great page. Each group posts their events and activities informing people that like the page and getting them to come to the event or activity. I have also been going to the events and activities to take pictures and then post them in photo albums on the Facebook page. This helps people see all the different events rather than just hearing about them. Check out the Union Facebook page at .